Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kiss the Rain

I would like it to be August 2010 so I can go to Germany and sing happy birthday to my Opa and hug him and then go see his fish with him. I would also like to help Oma cook in the kitchen, go with Maxi and Fabi to the pool and throw each other in, go to the cafe and buy a beer (legally!) for Lisa while I get an ice cream, and have yummy yummy food for two whole weeks while conveniantly missing school.
I was able to sit outside for an hour and stand in the rain and read the book I borrowed from the library at the little table we have out front. It was amazing - just what I needed. School's easy, fun, enjoyable. I'm being a good friend to someone who is never a good friend to me, but I feel to bad to abandon them although it's happened to me plenty of times before. I'm just that sort of person that knows what it's like to be alone, and I don't like seeing other people in the same situation. It's cold outside but boiling in my room. I should probably just change out of my jeans.

I am pumped for the weekend; first, I get to sleep in, and second, Edi comes back from camping. Yes! I also might be going to Kyle's and going swimming. I really hope he doesn't move to Utah now that we've fallen right back into being friends again. It's really awesome. He's a good friend, and a good influence (although "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is telling me there is no such thing as a good influence, and I totally believe it.)

I love my English class. We get to read for 15 minutes everyday, and it's exactly the sort of thing I need. Algebra 2 is the class I never use my voice in, Photo is the class Kirsten and Nicoli and I shake our heads at having to play 'penny pushers', Chemistry is the class where I admire the two girl's with great fashion sense (I really would like some ankle boots now), History is the class where I share a blueberry muffin with Demitry, Jon, and Angelique, and German is the class I pass notes to Kirsten and sleep and call Anthony a cartoon character. Those are all out of order, of course, but whatever.

I'm incredibly tired all ready, and its 8. I think I'll shower, read, and sleep. Hopefully within the next half hour. 4:30 is an exhausting time to wake up.

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