Monday, August 3, 2009

I miss you.

Thank God for Kirsten Winters. This girl is going to be my savior. This was the first time we ever had a sleepover together or really hung out outside of school. And it was the best time ever. Crazy hair, crazy makeup, late night trips to McDonalds (one m&m mcflurry... no, make that two!... no three! and a large fry! no, not a sprite! thank you, mr. kirsten's stepdad), sad times about a video that didn't get saved, dance parties, becoming twins, passing out to Bruce Almighty, getting my milk stolen by a cute boy, and much much more. Talk about fun times. That girl is seriously one of the most amazing people to have walked into my life. She's so strong and so supportive. She'll let me rant about my life and then talk me through it and how to get past the faults and the bad people in my life, and she'll accept that I give horrible advice in return. I can only get out so many inspirational quotes before I realize that none of them are my own words.

I all ready miss her, but I get to see her FIRST thing in the morning on Thursday in Photo. And then hopefully during lunch, and then of course, we'll sit next to each other and sleep in German II. But yes, Kirsten is very close to my twin. We both had our Teen Vogue's out to show each other the '5 Quick makeup tips', had our Conair brushes, the same type of 2 year old makeup from Claire's (same pink starry case and everything), had I love NY shirts, plan on going to NYU, and much much more. Stupid Blogger deleted the rest of what I had, but there was much more twin-ness.

I missed Angel even for that short time. I think it was just because Kirsten's cat kept cuddling me. Now Angel and I have reunited, and this little shark got inspired by Shark Week and bit me whenever I moved. I still love her.

I'm ready for you, school. (I get out May 27th, yay!)

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