Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's a shame.

Thanks to my mother's ability to play Farmville for 3 hours straight and not realize that the battery is draining and not charging, my laptop is once again ready to die, thanks to the new charger not working. So, even though I planned to do this blog later, I have no choice but to do it now.

Today we went to the Natural History Museum, which was TEN TIMES cooler than the American History one (because really? that's boring!) and I really enjoyed it. A lot. The most important part of my day though, was the walk home from the Metro. My favorite past time is calling 'squirrel' every time I see one, but today I saw a pretty gray cat. She came right over to me when I called her over, and she was super friendly. You could tell that she just wanted some love and attention. This guy on a walk stopped when he saw that I had been petting her for at least five minutes, and told us that there were three or four other cats around the neighborhood like her that just hung around, sometimes getting food from the people living there. They were at least two years old, so they had really managed to survive. He told us that he came from Belize, and that he would take them in, but he was afraid of cats because of a woman who was attacked by her cat that she had left in the house for a week without any food or water. He kept insisting we take her home, but being in DC and staying a house where your aunt is terribly allergic to cats, it wasn't a good idea. I really wished that I could. She was one of the sweetest outdoor cats I've ever met. She followed us until we had to cross the road, and I really wish we didn't have to.

So far, the DC trip gets a C+ on my scale. While I love my mother, I can't stand being with her for this long of a time without anyone else being around. It's just a pain. All the organic food is good, though.

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