Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My life.

Kirsten made me cry. I forgive her. My friends are just so incredibly rad. I don't think I'm ever going to forget this night, or having "Mami Sella" stop by, or my parents being so amazing. I've never had a "birthday" like this before, no matter how belated, and I'm always going to remember it. Seriously. These people could not be any cooler.

Real talent:

Monday, June 21, 2010

summerflowers blooming.

The thing I love about my best friend is that we cannot stand talking to each other unless we're in person. We get haughty over instant messenger and Facebook and text messages, but in person everything is absolutely perfect. If I could have it my way, I'd eliminate all of those faceless ways of having conversation. They make small things turn into something big and bad, when really, it's not that bad of a thing. Today was one of the best days I've had in a while, and it was simply because Kyle and I were able to talk face to face again. Even with only six miles between the two of us, we still suck at making plans to hang out on these super boring days. But, ignoring that, we enjoyed today, even though we were ready to tell anybody who asked that we were brother and sister. A boy and a girl are apparently not allowed to go to the movies together unless they are dating. There's just those people who will always be in the "family" category, and that's that.

(And I would never let a boy that I like into my room without getting all my dirty clothes off the floor and brushing my teeth first. Kyle is not one of those boys.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I have never had to deal with a best friend moving away before, and even though I know we're going to talk everyday no matter what when she moves to Germany, I'm going to miss her more than I can imagine. I'm going to tell her about all the cute boys I see, and she's going to tell me about all the cute boys she sees, and we're going to tell each other about new clothes we bought and talk about H&M. It's not going to be enough, but it's going to be all we have.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I find it very hard to believe that I'm related to those three. I have to say, they're some might cool cousins.

I deleted more than half of my blog posts earlier today. Looking back on them, I realized I sounded pretty dumb most of the time, and if I can't stand reading them I don't see how anyone else could. And so, I deleted them.

Sometimes, I feel like people don't take me seriously because of the way I've changed over the past year. Karma is a big part of my life, and I'm a serious believer of it, I refuse to belong to any sort of religion, but Buddhism would be my first choice, I work to be happy, not successful, and I am just more defensive of people, because you have to understand that behind their actions, there's a story. There's a reason for them driving too slow on the road, or not holding the door open for you. A lot of people fail to understand that just like them, everyone else has lives too, and you have to take it into consideration. I think most people just get so caught up in themselves and their troubles that they forget others are going through the same things.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Having two very eager cats attack you with love is the best way to come home. Angel and Blacky have been sleeping with me for three hours so far. I have a feeling they weren't very happy to be left alone with just my dad and Thomas. I'm glad I can at least provide some safety for them, though.

I'm super happy to be home. Tomorrow we're setting up my new bed, and I'll just feel a whole lot better with a new mattress to make my back hurt less.

As for now, I'm super light headed because we woke up at 1am Arizona time to get to the airport, and it is now 9:15 pm. I have a feeling I definitely need some sleep. Woah.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's a shame.

Thanks to my mother's ability to play Farmville for 3 hours straight and not realize that the battery is draining and not charging, my laptop is once again ready to die, thanks to the new charger not working. So, even though I planned to do this blog later, I have no choice but to do it now.

Today we went to the Natural History Museum, which was TEN TIMES cooler than the American History one (because really? that's boring!) and I really enjoyed it. A lot. The most important part of my day though, was the walk home from the Metro. My favorite past time is calling 'squirrel' every time I see one, but today I saw a pretty gray cat. She came right over to me when I called her over, and she was super friendly. You could tell that she just wanted some love and attention. This guy on a walk stopped when he saw that I had been petting her for at least five minutes, and told us that there were three or four other cats around the neighborhood like her that just hung around, sometimes getting food from the people living there. They were at least two years old, so they had really managed to survive. He told us that he came from Belize, and that he would take them in, but he was afraid of cats because of a woman who was attacked by her cat that she had left in the house for a week without any food or water. He kept insisting we take her home, but being in DC and staying a house where your aunt is terribly allergic to cats, it wasn't a good idea. I really wished that I could. She was one of the sweetest outdoor cats I've ever met. She followed us until we had to cross the road, and I really wish we didn't have to.

So far, the DC trip gets a C+ on my scale. While I love my mother, I can't stand being with her for this long of a time without anyone else being around. It's just a pain. All the organic food is good, though.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

had it coming.

My sister can really rock sometimes. She came in contact with one of my former friends, and she really stood up for me. Love. Karma eventually comes back around to teach you a lesson. That's what you get for running your mouth, and telling people to tell me what you said. Thanks, Karma.

My birthday definitely wasn't the greatest. It never is. I spent it alone, minus my family. I cried twice. I broke down in front of them at dinner. I was grumpy. I was angry and hurt. Sometimes, I feel like I have no friends. But, I think I just am always bound to have a crummy birthday, and the day after I felt ten times better. I've just grown to hate my birthdays. It's okay.

Lisa did get me Yankee Candles, though, which are supposed to be the best candles ever, and a fifty dollar gift card. I also got cards from relatives, which makes everything better. My mom also bought me a rose plant, which meant a lot to me, because I like flowers. And, my dad gave in and bought me a full mattress, which will be here when I get back from DC. While my birthday party had to be postponed, I'm sure I can make it up with my friends.

I'm super excited for DC right about now. The East Coast is my weakness. As is the perfect opportunity to wear shorts and tank tops and rompers and not be dying of dry heat.

Monday, June 7, 2010

That's where it's at.

You'd think my sister and I would be more upset over recent family news, but we're not. While I am, I think it's going to be for the better, if it happens.

I'm more concerned over the fact that I might be losing my best friend, all because she has to move to Germany. Luckily, my dad wants to move there, too, and maybe it'll happen. I'd be okay with that.

I kind of just want to start over completely.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Demon Cat.

Thomas is now known as the "demon cat". He's just very energetic and very mean to the other cats because he wants to play. He has also given me more scratches and cuts than I've ever had in a lifetime. I like him best when he's sleeping, but when he wakes up he literally tries to eat your face.

The worst part is: he sleeps during the day and wants to play at night. I love him, so very much, but I wish I wouldn't have to pull him off of Angel or Blacky or my teddy or my hair when I just want to go to sleep. Oh well. At least he's cute.