Friday, May 7, 2010

They don't really care about us.

Today was a half day, and Relay for Life was later on at night. I picked up some Starbucks for Kyle on the way there, and we watched the other Anna (Ana) and Tess try to get some serious answers out of Brian for TV productions. Apparently, he cannot answer questions about cancer seriously. It was still pretty rad. We bought T-shirts and yarn bracelets (my light purple one represents general cancer), and Leandra and I bought Mother's Day gifts. There were bracelets for $10 that were sterling silver and fake pink pearls and the breast cancer ribbon as a charm, and we each bought one. However, I managed to lose mine, and either Serena or Leandra has it. I'm really hoping I can get it back, otherwise it was left on the field, which isn't cool at all. It's $10 to cancer research, but a lost Mother's Day gift that I know my mom would love. After when we were about to leave, Kyle accidentally locked his keys in his truck. It was not exciting to have to call his mom to bring the spare key, and deal with her anger and all of that jazz. Hopefully, she'll take into consideration that it happens to everyone and anyone, and no one ever wants to do those things on purpose (unless they have some reason for wanting to do that). If he doesn't get in any or too much trouble, we should be going into town tomorrow to look for Mother's Day stuff still, and maybe pick up my bracelet from whoever has it, if anyone does.

In kitten news, it's very possible we'll be adopting Thomas, a super cute ginger kitten. I could really use another ginger around here. My dad and sister applied for him right away (before I even knew!), so I'm hoping we find out soon if we get to adopt him. If so, we just have to wait until Tuesday to see if he's old enough to go home with us, and on the weekend we should be picking him up (since the foster home is in Tucson). I'm really hoping that things work out this time. I've learned not to get my hopes so high, so I'm not doing what I did with "Evie". I'm just going to cross my fingers and make a wish at 11:11, that's all. Nothing more. And if we get him, well, I'm getting him a bow tie and claiming him as mine and Angel's sidekick. I'm also going to train him to sleep on my shoulders. That'd be awesome. He's super cute, as the photo proves.

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