Thursday, May 20, 2010

I love you.

Welcome to the blog, Thomas.

School is practically over. Monday is the last full day, and then we have three half days of finals. I am happy to say I am ecstatic. Of course, the end of the school year calls for reflections on the past months. While I don't believe this year was as dramatic as the last, particularly the last two weeks of school, I believe I made some very important and necessary changes.

I don't think anyone understands how hard it is to break off a friendship with people you've known since Kindergarten, only to find out some really tough stuff afterwards, about how they never considered you a friend since a few years ago anyways. It just proves that I made a good choice, but I'm always up for keeping a friendship. My current friends just became more relevant and important in my life, which is exactly why I had to do what I did. Of course I feel guilty about the way I went around it, but it was obviously for the best. It still is weird sometimes, to realize that most of my friends now are people I've only known for a year or two. It's not something I'm used to.

I've learned this year that I had a terrible taste in clothing and hair styles last year, and I am very impressed with how much I improved. My confidence went uphill, and I love it. It's nice to feel comfortable with who I am, even if sometimes I still don't. I blame the hair, because I don't want to blame myself, even though I should. Red hair is a burden and a blessing, and there's nothing I can do about it. I still think about dying it a fake red sometimes, but then I realized how many people will be upset with me for it. I'll just have to wait and see. All I know right now is that I am in desperate need of a haircut. Of course, I'm not going shorter! I'm just trying to get my bangs all nice again.

This hasn't really been much of a reflection. I think that's because the year went by so fast, and nothing really happened, except for me growing as a person. I'm a lot nicer, and I defend a lot of people about a lot of things. I don't like insulting and trash talking people because they got upset that I was in front of their locker. It's understandable, and I would be frustrated if it happened on a daily basis too. I think people get annoyed with how much I defend people, but it's just because I'm usually rational enough to understand why they're being the way they are. It's time to play the blame game again: Buddha and the Dalai Lama. They've taught me a lot, even if I've only read 120 pages so far out of the book I got at Christmas.

I also got to make a trip to Hastings today with my mother, since Barnes and Nobles closed in the mall, and we only have one major book store left. A town with 70,000+ people should have more than one book store. Honestly. Anyways, I was able to purchase the complete Chronicles of Narnia series merged into a single book, and The Tell-Tale Heart (and other stories) today. I was in the "Classics" section for at least twenty minutes, and couldn't chose anything! I also failed my mission of looking for some more books about Buddha/Buddhism, but that's honestly because I was too antsy to wander into the "Religious" section. Maybe next time.

PS, kittens are exhausting, and I take weird pictures with them.

1 comment:

  1. hey... this is the first time i'm reading your blog


    I really love cats. And your cat is so cute

