Friday, May 21, 2010


All is left is reviewing for finals. I'm so excited for summer. So, so excited.

Someone told me today that they're annoyed with how I'm always happy. I told them I'm not, and that I usually try to hide it, because I don't see the point in bringing other people down with me. It's also because I mostly AM happy, or content. There's no need to fret over every little thing in life. They said they were still annoyed, and that I shouldn't be fake. I think it's funny that people get annoyed when you're always happy or always depressed. It makes me feel like I should be emotionless 24/7.

I need to find some money today so I can buy popcorn tonight when Lisa and I go see Robin Hood. It's playing at the Uptown 3, which is the super old movie theater that only has 3 screens. They have the best popcorn, and even if the seat layout is a bit messed up and it's not the cleanest most modern place, I still love it. A huge majority of the people I know hate it and never see movies there. They say it's too dirty, but I don't think they realize that all movie theaters are dirty. But, that's okay with me. It means better seats and less noise, therefore, a more enjoyable movie experience. (I also saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean move, Prince Caspian, and tons of other movies there. It has sentimental value!).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I love you.

Welcome to the blog, Thomas.

School is practically over. Monday is the last full day, and then we have three half days of finals. I am happy to say I am ecstatic. Of course, the end of the school year calls for reflections on the past months. While I don't believe this year was as dramatic as the last, particularly the last two weeks of school, I believe I made some very important and necessary changes.

I don't think anyone understands how hard it is to break off a friendship with people you've known since Kindergarten, only to find out some really tough stuff afterwards, about how they never considered you a friend since a few years ago anyways. It just proves that I made a good choice, but I'm always up for keeping a friendship. My current friends just became more relevant and important in my life, which is exactly why I had to do what I did. Of course I feel guilty about the way I went around it, but it was obviously for the best. It still is weird sometimes, to realize that most of my friends now are people I've only known for a year or two. It's not something I'm used to.

I've learned this year that I had a terrible taste in clothing and hair styles last year, and I am very impressed with how much I improved. My confidence went uphill, and I love it. It's nice to feel comfortable with who I am, even if sometimes I still don't. I blame the hair, because I don't want to blame myself, even though I should. Red hair is a burden and a blessing, and there's nothing I can do about it. I still think about dying it a fake red sometimes, but then I realized how many people will be upset with me for it. I'll just have to wait and see. All I know right now is that I am in desperate need of a haircut. Of course, I'm not going shorter! I'm just trying to get my bangs all nice again.

This hasn't really been much of a reflection. I think that's because the year went by so fast, and nothing really happened, except for me growing as a person. I'm a lot nicer, and I defend a lot of people about a lot of things. I don't like insulting and trash talking people because they got upset that I was in front of their locker. It's understandable, and I would be frustrated if it happened on a daily basis too. I think people get annoyed with how much I defend people, but it's just because I'm usually rational enough to understand why they're being the way they are. It's time to play the blame game again: Buddha and the Dalai Lama. They've taught me a lot, even if I've only read 120 pages so far out of the book I got at Christmas.

I also got to make a trip to Hastings today with my mother, since Barnes and Nobles closed in the mall, and we only have one major book store left. A town with 70,000+ people should have more than one book store. Honestly. Anyways, I was able to purchase the complete Chronicles of Narnia series merged into a single book, and The Tell-Tale Heart (and other stories) today. I was in the "Classics" section for at least twenty minutes, and couldn't chose anything! I also failed my mission of looking for some more books about Buddha/Buddhism, but that's honestly because I was too antsy to wander into the "Religious" section. Maybe next time.

PS, kittens are exhausting, and I take weird pictures with them.

Friday, May 7, 2010

They don't really care about us.

Today was a half day, and Relay for Life was later on at night. I picked up some Starbucks for Kyle on the way there, and we watched the other Anna (Ana) and Tess try to get some serious answers out of Brian for TV productions. Apparently, he cannot answer questions about cancer seriously. It was still pretty rad. We bought T-shirts and yarn bracelets (my light purple one represents general cancer), and Leandra and I bought Mother's Day gifts. There were bracelets for $10 that were sterling silver and fake pink pearls and the breast cancer ribbon as a charm, and we each bought one. However, I managed to lose mine, and either Serena or Leandra has it. I'm really hoping I can get it back, otherwise it was left on the field, which isn't cool at all. It's $10 to cancer research, but a lost Mother's Day gift that I know my mom would love. After when we were about to leave, Kyle accidentally locked his keys in his truck. It was not exciting to have to call his mom to bring the spare key, and deal with her anger and all of that jazz. Hopefully, she'll take into consideration that it happens to everyone and anyone, and no one ever wants to do those things on purpose (unless they have some reason for wanting to do that). If he doesn't get in any or too much trouble, we should be going into town tomorrow to look for Mother's Day stuff still, and maybe pick up my bracelet from whoever has it, if anyone does.

In kitten news, it's very possible we'll be adopting Thomas, a super cute ginger kitten. I could really use another ginger around here. My dad and sister applied for him right away (before I even knew!), so I'm hoping we find out soon if we get to adopt him. If so, we just have to wait until Tuesday to see if he's old enough to go home with us, and on the weekend we should be picking him up (since the foster home is in Tucson). I'm really hoping that things work out this time. I've learned not to get my hopes so high, so I'm not doing what I did with "Evie". I'm just going to cross my fingers and make a wish at 11:11, that's all. Nothing more. And if we get him, well, I'm getting him a bow tie and claiming him as mine and Angel's sidekick. I'm also going to train him to sleep on my shoulders. That'd be awesome. He's super cute, as the photo proves.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Having hope.

My biggest issue in life is that I always get my hopes up. I expect things to happen and I get ahead of myself. I start imagining things with this new thing, this new whatever that I'm hoping is going to happen, and then it just... doesn't. Things fall through, something happens that makes everything go wrong. Today, my dad decided we were going to adopt one of our friend's kittens, who was absolutely adorable, and we were going to name her Evie, or something exotic like Zha Zha. We called them up and told them that we'd love to take her, that she would fit right in (though the other cats would definitely disagree). We were told that this other lady was considering taking both her, and her other sister, and wanted to see them first before taking them. We were hoping that maybe Evie or Zha Zha would read our minds and hate the lady so that we could have her instead. We just got a call a little while ago saying the lady took both of them. This is what I get for getting my hopes up. This happens to me a majority of the time, but I rarely ever learn from it. I know it's ridiculous to get so upset over one tiny little kitten, but when you let your hopes get out of hand like I do, it's hard not to get this upset. I suppose it'll be better for Blacky - he's old, getting sick, and has been acting super strange. Maybe this was just fate's way of letting us know it just wasn't time. We'll get a kitten when the time is right. I just kind of wish we could have Evie/Zha Zha, the cute little kitten who likes to be held and had a white goatee.

Now that I've looked at the local shelters online and saw only young/average/senior cats, I want to adopt all of those ones who don't have a home yet. I just want all the animals in the world so they can be happy. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just too nice for my own good. I'm afraid that when I live on my own, I'm just going to have 500 cats and dogs and fish and whatever else. I'd say I'll mean myself up, but I won't do that, and I know it. I'll learn to live with this kindness.