Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now you're gone.

I have so much respect for anyone who can walk, let alone walk in heels. My feet ached the whole night. I need to learn how to work it in heels, I'm telling you.

Homecoming was fun, but pretty exhausting. I need to learn to dance. I am possibly the whitest girl ever - physically and mentally. It's kind of sad. I wish I could dance. Danielle is a dancer and you can definitely tell. I was so jealous.

Doing the high clean-up was so tiring as well. Kyle, Becky, and I filled up two and a half trash bags, and everyone else only filled up half of one. Can you tell who did some hard labor? My allergies also acted up, and I was sneezing nonstop most of the time. Record: 16 sneezes in a row. Then Becky started sneezing, and Kyle was the only one who didn't.

So yes, you can say my Saturday was very exhausting, especially since Friday night I went to the homecoming game. I don't know whether or not I should be happy homecoming week is over or not.

ps, if everyone says I'm so cute or pretty, how come there's no guy out there that thinks so? I guess I just have to work harder at it!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Each and every day.

I'm working on it. On life. I'm going to get to the place where I am truly, unbelievably happy one of these days. I'm happy, but I'm still stressed and want to better certain things. It's going to happen, and I'm going to make it happen. I'll give it time, because everything takes time.
Sometimes I just get so frustrated with everything and wonder why karma is throwing this at me. I'm getting into a happier state of mind though, a place where I haven't been in years, so maybe karma will be nice and reward me for once. I hope.
I think tonight is going to be an early night. This week is going to be busy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I love.

I love everything right now. I got an amazing dress for homecoming. I made 2 new amazing friends. I'm happy. I've got a few hypocrites on my back, but it's okay. It really is. I'll sort them out, tell them that I'm allowed to be happy. It's all good. Tomorrow (today?) is my homework day/lazy day. I was supposed to go out and get drunk tonight. I didn't. I don't want to. That's just not me.

I need to put some clothes away and close my closet and hit the sack.

I really enjoyed spray-on glitter. I was covered with it on Friday night.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

You make me happy.

Of course, I'm kind of a spazz so eating bread with Nutella on it in bed is probably the worst idea ever. I somehow managed to get Nutella all over my fingers without realizing it, and I covered half my laptop wiith it all. I'm just sort of that talented. I think I'll go into a talent show and present my talent of being a spazz. It'll be rad.

I don't really have much to blog about, because there's nothing to talk about. I'm simply happy. Everything's fine. There's bumps in the way sometimes, but there always are. That's just a part of life, and I'll gladly take on those bumps. Although, right now I should be taking on the bumps and waves in my hair. I'll regret typing this later, as always.

Friday/Saturdy will be spent with Kirsten and Hannah-Lauren and I'm excited. It's going to be a lot of fun, I can tell. It'll be nice to get out of the house for two days like that.

And the clean-up was majorly fun. Becky, Kyle, and I totally got the most trash. AND we found a football that a whole bunch of us even played a game of football with. We picked up trash AND recycled. That's pretty cool, I think. I also threw a stick at Kyle's head. It was worth it. Lots of fun. And so, doing something good resulted in good things happening for me. I love karma.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Once more....

Doesn't this movie look so good? I am so obsessed with the book right now. I've read it twice within a month and I carry the copy around with me everywhere. It's insane. I've been recommending it to everybody. I really hope the movie comes out in the US, because I am pretty much just dying to see it. Also, the fact that Ben Barnes plays Dorian is probably the best thing ever. After Samuel L. Jackson, he's definitely my favorite actor. Johnny Depp would most certainly be next. But, back onto the subject of Ben Barnes, I'm trying to get my sister to add "Easy Virtue" to her Netflix lineup so I can see it as soon as it's available. I think British movies never released in the US are so brilliant, like "Ballet Shoes", which has Emma Watson in it. That movie was just superb.

Also, I felt that I had nothing better to do than throw together a new banner for this nifty little blog. I'm kind of fond of it. But, now I'll stop posting blogs and continue watching Austin Powers on FX.

PS, thank you, rain god, for the rain. I know it came from Hurricane Jimena, but it's nice to get some rain at the end of the monsoon season.

Craziest week yet.

So. This week was sort of crazy. And when I say sort of, I mean really. It all started off with me waking up Sunday morning, going to the bathroom to start the day, and then spending the next hour and a half on the bathroom floor in pain. Needless to say, I wasn't happy, and I pretty much freaked my dad out. He was just about to take me to the hospital when I told him to give me just a half hour more to try and get better. So, I threw up a few times, made my way back to bed, and spent the next three hours there trying to fall asleep, even though my back hurt too bad and I kept throwing up, even though I hadn't eaten anything in about 14 hours or so. When I finally fell asleep, I only slept for a few hours, but when I woke up I felt a lot better. I still didn't eat that much of my dinner, but that was okay.

Monday, my stomach was still bothering me, but I still went to school although I probably should've stayed home and rested up a bit more. I guess I'm just too stubborn to stay home even when I should be at home. But, by the end of Monday, I felt normal, finally.

As for the rest of the week, everything blurs together, but I know it was long and way too exhausting and crazy. I still have one more day until it's officially the end of the week, and it's going to be just as crazy. Since I joined Key Club (aka a community service club at the school that does all kinds of rad things for the community and fundraisers), I get to head to the school at 9 in the morning on a Saturday for a campus clean up. I'm pretty excited for it, actually. It'll be nice to clean up some of the trash around there. Littering = not rad.

Kyle and I have been able to add a few more words to the list of "best words ever", meaning the things that always make us laugh and other people don't find funny. They are: plumbum (the other word for lead, or Pb!) and Cherry Potter. We pretty much use plumbum for everything now, and it's nice, because no matter what it's used as, we know what it means.

Also, only one more weekend until I go with Kirsten and a few other girls up to Tucson to get our homecoming dresses! I'm pretty darn excited for that, especially since homecoming was really fun last year. That Saturday is definitely going to be amazing, too. I can hardly wait.