Thursday, December 24, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

The impossible happened yesterday! We got snow! In Southern Arizona! I was so happy, and when my dad woke me upat 5:30, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I waited until it was light enough to go outside before I tackled the snow all by myself! I made an Arizona snowman, which means it was a foot high, at least, and it's arms were oversized mesquite tree branches. I had a lot of fun with it.

Of course, I came in after an hour or so and went straight to making hot chocolate and watching Elf. It was all well and good, but when the snow started to melt around 11, my brain seemed to melt along with it. I tried watching Star Wars while beating off a pounding headache, but, no success. Eventually when everyone got home, it seemed Dad and Lisa both had headaches as well, but mine took a turn for the worst first. I ended up falling asleep around 4:30, and they were all kind enough to let me sleep. I woke up at 1, was way out of it, read Harry Potter (#4!) for about an hour before I forced myself to sleep again. I woke up at 8, and found Lisa was home, even though she was supposed to work today. Surprise, surprise! She's sick as a dog.

It seems that on holidays, someone's always sick around here. It's just the luck of the Winslows, I suppose. Well, that's just how it goes. I'm excited to open up our presents tonight. As soon as the inside lights turn on, the wrapping's coming off!

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas Eve, and Christmas! Or, the usual: happy holidays!

PS, if anybody has snow they don't want, I'll take more of it! We haven't had a white Christmas since I was 4 or 5.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Shooting stars.

It's almost Christmas. I haven't really had much to say, and I'm not too sure why. I finished up my Christmas shopping today, bought a new cardigan, and a wallet to go with my finally achieved driver's permit! I'm one step closer to having my own car (if Lisa ever moves out and let's my have it - Lisa, I know you found my blog, so please move to England so I can be happy and have the car!). The break's only a few days in, and I'm bored sitting around doing nothing. I think I'm just so antsy for it to be Christmas all ready. Tomorrow, I definitely have plans to clean my room, again, and hopefully it'll stay that way for the rest of the break. I hope.

So. No news. Nothing exciting going on in my life. It's just me, myself, and I, trying to get through the last few days until the new year. 2009 was great, but how will 2010 be? I have a feeling it won't be as successful as this year, but I won't know until it happens, now will I? I'll just take it day by day, and hopefully make some rad New Year's Resolutions and goals, because every year I make ones that I always forget and never keep. I'll have to make a list of some sort.
Oh, and I cannot wait for Christmas. Today I got a book that's a guide to happiness, but since my madre bought it, I have to wait. At least it's only until Christmas Eve, and not Christmas morning, thanks to our German half of the tradition! Next year it'll be normal again. I'm so ready for Christmas!

I'm tired, and it's only 10:30. I think I'll go to bed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

22 Days Til Christmas

I'm not quiter ready to let go of this past year. I've had so many ups and downs, but mostly ups, and that's good with me.
I don't know what 2010 will bring to me, and I can only help it'll be as good as a year as this one was.
All I want for Christmas is Dorian Gray on DVD and now!
I keep procrastinating my shower, so I should do that now, and get some sleep.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World Behind My Wall

I've been feeling so emotionally and physically drained lately and I don't entirely understand why. I just want to go to sleep as early as possible and in the morning I'm still ridiculously sleepy. It's exhausting being exhausted. With finals coming up, and registration for next year needing to get done, I think I'm feeling the pressure of school finally. I'm aiming to take at least 4 AP/college courses next year, and I'm pretty anxious about all the extra work plus having a job. I can't believe I'll be working and driving next year. It's just so hard to wrap my mind around.
For fifteen years all that's been on my mind has been school, home, sleep, and then back to school. Now I have to fit work in there somehow, and I'm not sure how I'll be able to manage it with all the extra classwork that I'm bound to have. It'll just take a whole lot of hard work, and I hope I can accomplish all of that.
And, being drained and all, I can hardly think straight a lot of the times, and all I know is that right now, I just want sleep. There are times where all you want to do is sleep for days, and there's just never a reason. I think that's when your body has been taking so much of everything that after a while, it just needs time to shut down and reboot. It's like a computer, but... different. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore!
PS, my mother knows me best. I asked her if we had any Christmas smelling candles, and she siad no. The next day she came home with 2 holiday candles just for me and a box of hot chocolate mix packets. I love her so much.