Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tear it Down.

Today, I surprised myself. I came home, made a bowl of popcorn, and I did homework for two and a half hours. An hour on AP Bio outlines, and an hour and a half on APUSH summary/reactions to Chapter 2 of the best history book I've ever written. It was awesome. I plan on doing the same tomorrow.

Lisa and I just watched Dorian Gray, since she Netflix'd it. I watched it on Christmas online, and it was much nicer watching it on an actual TV. I still love that movie, although Prince Caspian is my absolute favorite.

As if Key Club wasn't enough to do on Saturday, along with my homework, I also am:
- going to breakfast with my family
- going to Key Club
- doing homework
- going to a bonfire
- trying to fit in sleep.

Everything would be on the same day. Totally typical.

I've all ready improved on my kindness, I'd like to think. Now, I need to improve my math grade and ace my quiz tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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